Any Hardcover Book
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With our gift cards, your friends
and family can choose one or two
personalized hardcover titles from
Manimal Tales
From $28.50 and up.
Any Softcover Book
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Gift Card
The options are doubled with the
option of softcover books too!
With our gift cards, your friends
and family can choose one or two
personalized softcover titles from
Manimal Tales.
From $21.99 and up.
Check Out Our Existing Titles!
What Will I Be?
An A-B-C Story!
There are fun jobs across the alphabet,
(Many haven't been invented yet!)
12 Days of Christmas
Seek & Find Book for 8 people!
A fun personalized Christmas seek and find book for the whole family!
My Christmas Adventure
Picture Book Version
See how your child (and Jingles the elf) save Christmas from the Grrrimp!
I'm in Dreamland
A-B-C, What Will I Be?
The Sports Edition 
In this book are sports of *all* sorts!
Letters, Numbers & Me 
Your Baby's Story
A loving and gentle bedtime story,
That tells your child how they came to be.
You and the Grumpopotamus
Meet the dreaded Grumpo’.
Can your child un-grump this fellow?