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The Good, the Bad, and the Future of the COP26

If you’re just catching up with the events of the week, the COP26 is finally wrapping up today. And no, it’s not a summit for the 26 most important cops in the country(are cop conferences even a thing?). Anyway, the COP26 is the Conference of the Parties - and it is the 26th edition of the conference. The Conference of the Parties falls under the 1992 United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) - which pretty much mandates all countries on Earth to come together on ways to combat ‘dangerous climate change.

On the off-chance, you missed all the important updates and pledges to fight climate change, here’s a quick round-up of some things that happened at the conference:

The Good:

The fossil fuel industry had the biggest delegation. Hopefully, this means they were there to talk about transitioning to renewable energy, and not to convince everyone otherwise. 

Obama called on all world leaders to fight climate change with a sense of urgency and particularly criticized China and Russia for not appreciating the need for quick action.

According to an advisor, China is doing more for climate change than is recognized and has put in place concrete actions in the near future.

More than 100 countries pledged to cut carbon emissions by 30% (woot!).

The Bad:

Police broke into an emergency shelter that was housing climate protesters and activists. You can read more about that here.

Developing nations say that rich countries are refusing to talk about the damage and loss that climate change has brought about in smaller countries.

The world leaders all tossed a coin into the Trevi fountain in Rome (a popular tradition for good luck) to wish for good luck for fighting climate change. Is it just me or does that sound like they think there’s nothing much to be done except cross our fingers, stock up the apocalypse bunker and hope for the best?

The Future:

12 donor governments have pledged $413million USD for the countries that are most vulnerable to climate change. 

Even with all the pledges made to cut methane and other emissions by 2030, the Climate Action Tracker still estimates that we will overshoot the conferences’ main objective to keep global warming within 1.5 degrees celsius by twice as much. 

Climate activists are still saying that the latest agreements are not a concrete plan to move towards renewable energy - they’re full of loopholes and are an attempt to ‘greenwash’ the non-renewable energy sector. 

And there you have it - it seems like we’re trying to commit to things, but still failing to do so in a way that’s going to change the trajectory of our planet’s dire future by much. So where do we go from here? In the words of a wise little orange creature - “Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot, nothing is going to get better. It’s not. ” - The Lorax.

If you want to get involved, here’s a good place to start for information on the US’s climate policies. Alternatively, if you’re ready to get involved or donate, Climate Connect is a great place to find local organizations fighting the good fight. 

P.S: Manimal Tales has a new personalized children’s book on climate change in the works! 

General Questions

Manimal Tales is a publisher of beautifully illustrated personalized books. We have personalized books for children and adults. From birthday books to new baby tales, and from bedtime stories to ABC books, we have custom books for all occasions!

We even offer PhotoStories, our personalized picture books with photos.

At Manimal Tales, we fervently believe every child should be the hero of their own story!

Personalized books (or custom books as they are sometimes referred to) allow the reader to become the hero of the story - literally.

The main character in the story is the reader / receiver of the book, and is represented by an avatar that looks like them. There are usually lots of additional personalized details printed in the stories, including the receiver's name, age, family members and more.

Our PhotoStories offer a whole new level of personalization by allowing you to add your own photos into the story and have them printed out with the book.

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Once you're satisfied, add the book to your cart, enter your payment details and your unique, one-of-a-kind personalized book will arrive on your doorstep in 6 to 9 days!

The short answer is that it depends on the personalized book title in question!

All books will have your loved one as the main protagonist and their name will be printed on the book cover as well as in the story.

In some of our books like Dreamland and What Will I Be? the (the An ABC Story) your loved one's name is printed on every page.

In our Manimal Tales series, in addition to your child's name, you can select an avatar that looks like your child.

In our custom baby tales, Your Baby's Story and Your Baby's Story (Sibling version), you have to enter names and select avatars for the parents and the siblings as well.

And for our PhotoStories, you can further customize the books by uploading and adding your own photos directly into the book. The stories have been written to incorporate the photos as part of the story itself.

Whichever personalized book you do choose, we guarantee your loved one's will love our custom tales just as much as we do!

We have books for all ages and occasions! On the menu bar at the top of the page you can filter through our collections of personalized books by a variety of different criteria.

We have personalized books for:

- Birthdays

- New babies / baby showers

- Bedtime books

- Back To School / ABC books

- Seek & Find books

We also offer custom books with engaging stories about:

- Friendship and bravery

- Standing up for your beliefs

- Animal rights and adventure

We have personalized books across all ages:

- 0 to 3 years

- 3 to 6 years

- 6 years and above

- Adult stories

Lastly we have our PhotoStories, which allow users to upload photos and have them become part of the story!

- Happy Birthday Personalized PhotoStory

- Your Baby's Personalized PhotoStory

Nothing beats getting a book with your name on it!

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We offer custom books for all occasions, ensuring you will always find a book to meet your needs.

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