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Six lessons from The Grumpopotamus (A great personalized book for kids) (Updated, May 2024)

We at Manimal Tales pride ourselves on creating personalized books that are engaging for adults and children, and have great takeaways that you can discuss with your kids for days after reading the books!

The Grumpopotamus follows the story of a Hooman child (your child!) and Anonymouse, as they try their best to un-grump the Grumpopotamus - a truly terribly grumpy fellow whose presence makes the rest of the Manimals grumpy and mean as well. The Grumpopotamus teaches children (and adults!) about so many different aspects of the human condition. It’s a personalized book with a lot of heart, and has great lessons for kids.

Here are six (of the many!) lessons that The Grumpopotamus teaches us:  

1. Always try new things

When Dandylion (King of Manimal Forest) asks who would be willing to take on the task of un-grumping the Grumpo, no one seems too keen to step forward, until Anonymouse does. She says: 



Just because you’ve led life a certain way, it’s never too late to change, learn something new and step out of your comfort zone! Anonymouse shows us that all it takes is the willingness to say ‘yes’, and try. She stepped up when no one else would - and if Anonymouse can do it, so can we! 


2. Appearances aren’t everything

Anonymouse is small and quiet - so everyone immediately assumes that there’s no way that she’s going to be able to do anything to un-grump the Grumpo. The Grumpopotamus was big, scary and mean - so what could she, a tiny little mouse do? But there’s something that Anonymouse has that the other Manimals can’t see yet - courage and determination. 


People often equate being quiet with a lack of confidence or courage. Anonymouse shows us that’s not always the case. Appearances aren’t everything! Just because a person is quiet doesn’t mean they can’t be brave. Anonymouse refuses to let what anyone thinks about her stop her from pushing forward and succeeding at un-grumping the Grumpo. 


3. We all need help from time to time

We’ve established that Anonymouse was brave, courageous, and determined - but that doesn’t mean that she didn’t need help. After trying to ask a long list of Manimals to help her, and being unsuccessful every time, she finally asks a Hooman child (your kid!) for help to un-grump the Grumpopotamus. 



We all need a little help from time to time. Anonymouse knows that she could use a little help, and she’s not afraid to ask for it. It can be scary asking for help - because it makes us feel vulnerable and we might be worried that other people might perceive us as being weak. Anonymouse teaches us that’s just not true! You can be strong, and brave and still need help. All of it can be true at the same time. What’s more, Anonymouse finds the right person who sets off on this mission with her, with the same enthusiasm and bravery. All she had to do was ask. 


4. Just because others have tried and failed, it doesn’t mean you will too. 

Before asking the Hooman child, Anonymouse asks a whole slew of other Manimals for help including the Girafalaffas, Dally Llama, and Charmadillo. All of them explain to her how they had tried to un-grump the Grumpo and how they had all failed. Anonymouse doesn’t let this get to her. Even though bigger and smarter manimals had failed, she still presses on. She doesn’t let their failures become hers. 


Often, we’re so good at assuming the worst of ourselves. We think, “If that amazing person who seems to know so much more than me couldn’t do it, then I don’t stand a chance!” Anonymouse doesn’t let anyone else’s failures convince her that she won’t be able to succeed. She simply keeps pushing and keeps her eyes set on the goal - and she gets there! Sometimes, we just need to be our own cheerleaders and keep pushing until we succeed. 


5. It’s okay to admit to being wrong, even if you’re the King. 



After Anonymouse is successful, Dandylion admits loudly and proudly that he was wrong about two things - he thought you had to be big to be brave, and that he confused feeling sad for being bad. Even though Dandy is the king, he readily admits that he was wrong in front of the rest of the Manimals. There’s a great lesson for all people, if only we’re willing to follow Dandy’s example. If only we all were more forgiving of others’ mistakes and more accepting of our own - I dare say that this world would be a better place. This lesson just goes to show that sometimes children’s books can be the wisest of them all. 


6. Be there for your friends, even when they push you away

When Anonymouse can’t figure out how to help Grumpo, the Hooman child (your kid!) comes up with the right idea. The child discerns that Grumpo is always so grumpy because he has no friends and everyone always runs away from him. The only way to ungrump the Grumpo was to convince him that he did have friends and that he was not alone after all - no matter how much he tried to push them away.



Sometimes, our friends may try and push us away, or we might try and push others away too! But sticking around and being there for Grumpo really did drive all his meanness and grumpiness away, and we need to remember to do the same for our friends too.

(Editors Note: At Manimal Tales, we pride ourselves on creating personalized books that are engaging for adults and children, with great takeaways to discuss long after the book is read.

Personalized books are not just for kids; they are a delightful experience for adults too, proving that there is no right age to enjoy a personalized book because reading is for all. The Grumpopotamus teaches both children and adults about various aspects of the human condition, including the importance of kindness, embracing everyone's uniqueness, and understanding the value of friendships.

It’s a personalized book with a lot of heart, offering lessons that resonate across ages. Whether it’s talking about why friendships are essential or how to manage grumpiness, the book provides meaningful insights for readers of all ages. Personalized books like this remind us that reading is a universal joy, and there's always something new to learn and enjoy, no matter how old you are.)

General Questions

Manimal Tales is a publisher of beautifully illustrated personalized books. We have personalized books for children and adults. From birthday books to new baby tales, and from bedtime stories to ABC books, we have custom books for all occasions!

We even offer PhotoStories, our personalized picture books with photos.

At Manimal Tales, we fervently believe every child should be the hero of their own story!

Personalized books (or custom books as they are sometimes referred to) allow the reader to become the hero of the story - literally.

The main character in the story is the reader / receiver of the book, and is represented by an avatar that looks like them. There are usually lots of additional personalized details printed in the stories, including the receiver's name, age, family members and more.

Our PhotoStories offer a whole new level of personalization by allowing you to add your own photos into the story and have them printed out with the book.

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Once you're satisfied, add the book to your cart, enter your payment details and your unique, one-of-a-kind personalized book will arrive on your doorstep in 6 to 9 days!

The short answer is that it depends on the personalized book title in question!

All books will have your loved one as the main protagonist and their name will be printed on the book cover as well as in the story.

In some of our books like Dreamland and What Will I Be? the (the An ABC Story) your loved one's name is printed on every page.

In our Manimal Tales series, in addition to your child's name, you can select an avatar that looks like your child.

In our custom baby tales, Your Baby's Story and Your Baby's Story (Sibling version), you have to enter names and select avatars for the parents and the siblings as well.

And for our PhotoStories, you can further customize the books by uploading and adding your own photos directly into the book. The stories have been written to incorporate the photos as part of the story itself.

Whichever personalized book you do choose, we guarantee your loved one's will love our custom tales just as much as we do!

We have books for all ages and occasions! On the menu bar at the top of the page you can filter through our collections of personalized books by a variety of different criteria.

We have personalized books for:

- Birthdays

- New babies / baby showers

- Bedtime books

- Back To School / ABC books

- Seek & Find books

We also offer custom books with engaging stories about:

- Friendship and bravery

- Standing up for your beliefs

- Animal rights and adventure

We have personalized books across all ages:

- 0 to 3 years

- 3 to 6 years

- 6 years and above

- Adult stories

Lastly we have our PhotoStories, which allow users to upload photos and have them become part of the story!

- Happy Birthday Personalized PhotoStory

- Your Baby's Personalized PhotoStory

Nothing beats getting a book with your name on it!

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We offer custom books for all occasions, ensuring you will always find a book to meet your needs.

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